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Moving Mishaps: What Movers Can't Handle

Relocating to a new place is often a huge task, and hiring professional movers can make this process much easier. But, it's important to keep in mind that even movers have restrictions on what they can transport.

This article will discuss the types of items that movers usually aren't able to handle. This includes delicate stuff, dangerous materials, high-value items, food that can spoil, and items that are illegal to transport.

By understanding these limitations, you can better protect your possessions during the move.

Fragile Items to Handle With Care

Moving can be stressful, especially when you have delicate items that could easily break or get damaged. To avoid any mishaps, it's important to pack these items carefully. Using materials like bubble wrap, packing peanuts, and strong boxes can make all the difference.

Here's how to do it:

  • Wrap each fragile item separately to give it an extra layer of protection.
  • When you're packing these wrapped items into a box, it's a good idea to put heavier things at the bottom.
  • If there's any empty space left in the box, fill it up with packing material. This way, your items won't be able to move around too much and risk getting damaged.

When you're done packing, make sure to write 'fragile' on the box, and also mark which side should be facing up. This will remind you – and anyone else who might be helping you move – to handle these boxes with extra care.

If you're worried about packing delicate items yourself, you might want to think about hiring professional movers. They have the experience and know-how to make sure everything gets to your new place safe and sound.

Hazardous Materials to Avoid Shipping

In our series on moving, our next point of focus is on hazardous materials that aren't suitable for transportation by movers. Certain substances can pose serious risks during the moving process. These include materials that are flammable, hazardous, or toxic. The danger posed by these items isn't only towards the movers but extends to the entire shipment as well.

Some of these hazardous materials include things like nail polish, specific cleaning supplies, paint thinners, propane tanks, firearms, and ammunition. These items have the potential to cause fires, explosions, or other mishaps during transit.

Handling and transporting these items responsibly is key, and should be done following the instructions given by local authorities. This ensures the safety of everyone involved in the moving process.

Valuable Belongings to Keep Close

You might be wondering how best to handle your precious items during a move.

Well, it's a good idea to keep things like jewelry, essential paperwork, and cash within arm's reach. Handing these over to movers isn't the best move as they could get misplaced or stolen on the way. So, how about keeping your precious gems with you or lock them up safely?

Carry your vital documents such as passports and IDs in a bag or wallet you have at all times. Also, keep your cash and important financial papers close to prevent them from getting lost.

If you have collectibles or memorabilia that are either expensive or hold sentimental value, handle them yourself to avoid damage or loss.

Perishable Items Not Suitable for Transportation

Keeping your belongings safe and fresh during a move requires understanding what items are and aren't good to transport. If you've got a move on the horizon, it's beneficial to think about the kind of items that don't travel well and could pose risks if shipped. Here's a quick rundown of three categories of things that don't do well in transit:

  • Food that can spoil: Items like fresh fruits, veggies, cold storage products, or any open food containers can be problematic. They can spill, spoil, or fail to maintain the necessary cool temperature during the journey.
  • Living things like plants or animals: Most moving companies have policies against shipping living things because they might get hurt or stressed during the move.
  • Delicate items made from materials that can spoil: Think of things like chocolate sculptures that can't hold up to the rigors of moving. They don't make good travel companions.

Knowing what not to pack can help you look out for your items that could spoil and help you avoid any unexpected shipping problems.

Restricted Items With Special Considerations

Moving restricted items isn't as simple as tossing them in a box and sending them off. You have to be aware of specific guidelines and adhere to them.

For instance, things like cultural artifacts, because of their historic or cultural worth, have strict rules about how they're shipped. They might need certificates of authenticity or licenses for export or import. You need to be aware of the laws in both the country you're shipping from and the one you're shipping to.

And it's not just about artifacts. Certain items, like prescription drugs or controlled substances, also have legal limits on how they can be transported. It's not enough to just be aware of these laws, you have to make sure you're following them to avoid any legal problems down the line.

If this process seems overwhelming, that's okay. It's not something you have to tackle alone. There are professionals out there who can help make sure everything is done correctly. So, if you're unsure about anything, don't hesitate to reach out to them. They can offer guidance and help you navigate this complex process.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Examples of Fragile Items That Should Be Handled With Care During a Move?

Fragile items that require careful handling during a move include fragile glassware and delicate electronics. These items are susceptible to damage if not properly packed and transported, and should be handled with utmost care to avoid breakage or malfunction.

Can I Ship Nail Polish or Other Hazardous Materials With a Moving Company?

Shipping restrictions for hazardous materials vary depending on the moving company and local regulations. It is advisable to consult with the company regarding their specific policies. Fragile items should be properly packaged with appropriate materials to ensure safe transportation.

What Valuable Belongings Should I Keep With Me During the Move?

Valuable electronics, such as laptops and cameras, should be kept with you during a move to ensure their safety. Important documents, including passports and birth certificates, should also be carried personally to prevent loss or damage.

Are There Any Perishable Items That Are Suitable for Shipping?

Shipping perishable items can be challenging, as certain items like fresh produce, refrigerated goods, and live plants are not suitable for shipping. It is best to handle these items personally to ensure their quality and freshness throughout the move.

What Are Some Examples of Restricted Items That May Require Special Considerations for Shipping?

Restricted items for shipping may include hazardous materials, alcohol, prescription drugs, certain electronics, and items with cultural or historical significance. These items require special considerations such as permits, legal limitations, or documentation to ensure proper transportation and compliance with regulations.